09 March 2012

Prometheus TED Trailer

I love trailers. In many cases the trailer is significantly better than the film, giving marketing execs a chance to cram in all the cool bits and leave out the dregs. So naturally when viral marketing came along about a decade ago it was interesting to see how trailers developed when they no longer relied on expensive TV time to reach viewers.

Tonight however I cam across what is perhaps the best piece of viral marketing I have ever seen. It's from the upcoming Prometheus and features a future TED talk given by man called Weyland (guy Pierce). Fans of the franchise will recognise this is one half of evil megacorp Weyland-Yutani. The combination of fictional speaker giving an address to a real organisation in a format I'm used to seeing on a regular basis just gripped me. It's like they ripped out a part of their fictional universe and crammed it into my everyday life. I was looking forward to seeing Prometheus before but this has just sealed the deal.

And they say marketing doesn't work :-)

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