Nebulon cannot get over one thing about this movie. It isn’t Heat. Why isn’t it Heat? Nebulon is displeased. I am aiming a Death Ray at North Dakota as we speak. Now observe my wrath!
OK, So it isn’t Heat, Nebulon could watch that movie on an infinite loop and be happy but the rage management specialist the Admiral has me seeing says that I must come to terms with the fact that things will not always go my way. People of North Dakota, I am sorry.
Nebulon’s analysis of your Earth movies suggests that while good actors are important, far more important is plot and dialogue, neither of which this movie excels at. The script is flabby, the dialogue a little staid. All in all this is a pretty run of the mill cop thriller of the the ilk that has been featured so much in your recent Earth media. If you think of this as The Shield the movie (actually that was Street Kings), then your going to be much better off than if you go into your theatres expecting Heat II as then you are bound to be disappointed.
DiNiro and Pachino are together again (although Nebulon disputes that they were ever really together in Heat) but even their partnership as wise cracking world weary cops (does the Earth have any other kind?) cannot enliven this standard fare. The plot revolves around a serial killer bumping off the local bad guys, by the second act the evidence is pointing towards DeNiro. My mighty brain easily spotted the plot twist after about 2 minutes, but even puny earth men should see this one coming.
So, to reiterate, it’s not Heat 2 RRRARRARARARARRARARARAAGHGHHGH! But it’s not the disaster some or your Earth reviewers have declared it to be. Pachino and DeNiro have both been in far more unspectacular movies than they have classics and this will undoubtedly go down in the unspectacular column. If Heat hadn’t come before this then maybe North Dakota would still be standing and not the charred mess it is now.
Remember Earth, your time is at hand.
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