Sam Raimi, before he was the guy that did the Spider Man films, actually had a reputation as something of a guerrilla film maker, famously setting up at a cabin in the woods with his friends and making one of the best horror movies, namely the Evil Dead.
What made the Evil Dead great was the mix of horror and humour which made it stand out from the regular slasher flicks. Comedy has always been an important part of horror, even the most terrifying movie is only a few steps removed from Tom and Jerry style slapstick, and Mr Raimi was not afraid to tread the line in between.
All this imagination and invention didn't really come through in the Spider Man films which were too big and slick for anything like the energy on display in the Evil Dead. But now the era of Spider Man is over (at least this alien overlord hopes so) and we can all return to making sensible films again.
Drag Me to Hell is about a loan officer who is cursed by a gypsy when she repossesses her house. That's basically all the set up you need for a roller coaster rider of thrills, spills and horror based slapstick. There is no denying that some of the content is genuinely shocking, but the relentless pace is offset by well judged uses of comedy, in particular the kind of crash, bang, wallop antics we all loved from the Evil Dead.
For once Nebulon wasn't even tempted to break out his ray gun and take out the audience either, this is the kind of fare which works best in a full Friday night screen, the guy sat behind you screaming and talking nervously to his mortified date is as much a part of the entertainment here as what's on the screen.
Nebulon must depart now for the 17th annual earth invasion conference in the Horse Head Nebula Hilton, there he will discuss invasion plans and describe to the militant races of the universe his findings of earth culture. Rest assured Drag Me to Hell will find favour amongst this crowd and we will make special effort to preserve this movie so that Raimi's work will live on long after the rest of your planet is an empty, firey husk.
Nebulon has just discovered that Mr Raimi is currently working on Spider Man 4 which he will direct as soon as he finishes (re)making the Evil Dead. There seems to be some confusion over whether or not this is a straight remake or a new entry into the series. If it's all new then fine, if it's a remake then I take it all back, this man along with the creatively bankrupt muppets he works for need to be stopped.
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